Dear Patients with Dr. Oyelese’s practice and those previously with Dr. Srinivas,

I am very pleased to inform you of the arrival of
Dr. Naddem Ackbarally whose profile and bio is available on our website.

Although I have no plans to retire,
Dr. Ackbarally and myself will be responsible for providing care to you as a medical team. For administrative purposes, either one of us will be identified as primary or secondary providers within your clinic charts however patients within our practice will be able to access and make appointments (online and direct at the clinic) to see either one of us. Our medical colleagues will continue to provide cross coverage if both of us are unavailable.This will very significantly improve our wait times as our intent is to be able to see you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need further clarification please don’t hesitate to ask and kindly contact our clinic director (Vicky Hunt) at and she will also let me know if you wish to speak to me directly.

Dr. Toye Oyelese, MBBS, CCFP, FCFP
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
Medical Director, Westside Medical Associates